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Most stomach bugs can be prevented by practicing good hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, especially before eating and after using the bathroom, and not sharing cups, vape pens, or other items used by mouth.  It is also important to clean surfaces where food is prepared or where people frequently get exposed to body fluids, such as bathrooms.  

Stomach bugs most commonly result in nausea, vomiting,  or diarrhea. Sometimes, a low-grade fever can be present. Abdominal pain in the form of “cramping” can occur, but severe abdominal pain is unusual. 

Hydrating with clear liquids such as water, Gatorade, diluted apple juice, Sprite, and ginger ale are highly recommended. As symptoms improve, adding small amounts of solid foods such as crackers, bananas, light soups, and rice is recommended. Slowly increase the diet as the symptoms improve. Avoid milk and dairy products, except for yogurt with live cultures. Avoid using anti-diarrheal medications such as Imodium, as this may prolong the symptoms. 

Since these viruses are highly contagious, it is recommended to stay home until all symptoms (including vomiting and diarrhea) have passed. Fortunately, the “stomach bug” symptoms do not usually last more than 48 hours. 

If you have a fever, worsening abdominal pain or abdominal pain that starts localizing to one area of the abdomen, bloody diarrhea, frequent vomiting and unable to hold down any fluids at all, dizziness/lightheadedness (may signal dehydration), fast heart rate (may also signal dehydration), symptoms that persist for more than 48 hours.